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Chongqing Berkeley Trade Co., Ltd

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Precautions for installing stainless steel water pipe

2023-11-21 16:31:31

Today, Stainless steel water pipe Most of the decoration is wall mounted, so during decoration Water pipe installation Great attention should be paid to avoid water pipe leakage, water pipe burst and other problems in the later period. So, Stainless steel water pipe installation What are the precautions for Stainless steel water pipe manufacturer I will give you a detailed explanation.

 Stainless steel pipe

1. Before the installation of stainless steel water pipes, the consumption of water pipes should be estimated to avoid the waste caused by buying more materials or the lack of materials caused by buying less materials, which will affect the installation process.

2. If the old house is transformed or the second-hand house is transformed, this situation will Stainless steel pipe Do not feel distressed about the renewal, or you will not know where the problem is later.

3. Before installing the stainless steel water pipe, check the stainless steel water pipe and accessories to see if there are leakage, damage and other problems. Moreover, the stainless steel water pipes and fittings should be firmly connected, and they should be installed after testing.

4. During decoration, it is necessary to determine the direction of stainless steel water pipes. Now most of the stainless steel water pipes are wall mounted, and it is difficult to find problems. Therefore, it is recommended that the stainless steel water pipe should be installed on the top for security. Although the transformation cost will be more expensive, for the sake of long-term interests, it is easier to find problems and facilitate maintenance when the stainless steel water pipe is installed on the top.

5. When the stainless steel water pipe is installed, remember to draw a picture of the stainless steel water pipe to facilitate future maintenance and overhaul.

6. Before installation of stainless steel water pipes, qualified products with good quality, health and energy saving shall be selected. If PP-R pipes are to be installed, it is better to find a professional company to install them. Because if you install it yourself, its pipes are easy to be blocked or burst, which will bring unnecessary trouble to later life.

7. There are two methods for laying stainless steel water pipes, one is concealed installation, the other is open installation. Concealed installation refers to the concealed laying of pipes on the indoor ground, ceiling or pipe trench. The advantage of concealed installation is that no water pipe can be seen after laying, which is beautiful. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to maintain and construct if problems occur in the later period. The exposed installation is to lay the water pipe exposed along the wall, column, beam and floor. Its advantages are low cost, convenient construction and convenient maintenance.

8. After the stainless steel water pipe is installed, test whether the water pipe will leak. During the test, close the main valve of the water pipe, open the indoor water pipe, make sure there is no water drop, and then check whether the water meter moves. If there is movement, it means that the water pipe will leak. If the water meter does not move, it means nothing. The water pipe test time should be 20-30 minutes.

In short: stainless steel water pipe installation, whether concealed or exposed, should be installed at one time. If the decoration personnel are invited to install, the owner will supervise the work nearby. After installation, remember to test for water leakage. The above precautions for stainless steel water pipe installation and how to correctly install the water pipe are expected to help everyone.

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Chongqing Berkeley Trade Co., Ltd

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4001587716 / 023-67645717  / 023-63073573 
13983628496  / 13808329283 

Outlet exhibition hall: Room 2904, Building 1, Xiyue, Yorkshire, Jinzhou Avenue, Yubei District, Chongqing
